

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Wight \Wight\, a. [OE. wight, wiht, probably of Scand. origin;
   cf. Icel. v[=i]gr in fighting condition, neut. v[=i]gh ???
   v[=i]g war, akin to AS. w[=i]g See {Vanquish}.]
   Swift; nimble; agile; strong and active. [Obs. or Poetic]

         'T is full wight, God wot, as is a roe.  --Chaucer.

         He was so wimble and so wight.           --Spenser.

         They were Night and Day, and Day and Night, Pilgrims
         wight with steps forthright.             --Emerson.

Wight \Wight\, n.
   Weight. [Obs.]

Wight \Wight\, n. [OE. wight, wiht, a wight, a whit, AS. wiht,
   wuht, a creature, a thing; skin to D. wicht a child, OS. &
   OHG. wiht a creature, thing, G. wicht a creature, Icel.
   v[ae]tt? a wight, v[ae]tt? a whit, Goth. wa['i]hts, wa['i]ht,
   thing; cf. Russ. veshche a thing. ?. Cf. {Whit}.]
   1. A whit; a bit; a jot. [Obs.]

            She was fallen asleep a little wight. --Chaucer.

   2. A supernatural being. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

   3. A human being; a person, either male or female; -- now
      used chiefly in irony or burlesque, or in humorous
      language. ``Worst of all wightes.'' --Chaucer.

            Every wight that hath discretion.     --Chaucer.

            Oh, say me true if thou wert mortal wight. --Milton.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a human being; `wight' is an archaic term [syn: {creature}]
     2: an isle and county of southern England in the English
        Channel [syn: {Isle of Wight}]
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