

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Wigwam \Wig"wam\, n. [From the Algonquin or Massachusetts Indian
   word w[=e]k, ``his house,'' or ``dwelling place;'' with
   possessive and locative affixes, w[=e]-kou-om-ut, ``in his
   (or their) house,'' contracted by the English to weekwam, and
   An Indian cabin or hut, usually of a conical form, and made
   of a framework of poles covered with hides, bark, or mats; --
   called also {tepee}. [Sometimes written also {weekwam}.]

         Very spacious was the wigwam, Made of deerskin dressed
         and whitened, With the gods of the Dacotahs Drawn and
         painted on its curtains.                 --Longfellow.

   Note: ``The wigwam, or Indian house, of a circular or oval
         shape, was made of bark or mats laid over a framework
         of branches of trees stuck in the ground in such a
         manner as to converge at the top, where was a central
         aperture for the escape of smoke from the fire beneath.
         The better sort had also a lining of mats. For entrance
         and egress, two low openings were left on opposite
         sides, one or the other of which was closed with bark
         or mats, according to the direction of the wind.''

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : a native American lodge frequently having an oval shape and
         covered with bark or hides
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