
red shropsavine

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Sop \Sop\, n. [OE. sop, soppe; akin to AS. s?pan to sup, to sip,
   to drink, D. sop sop, G. suppe soup, Icel. soppa sop. See
   {Sup}, v. t., and cf. {Soup}.]
   1. Anything steeped, or dipped and softened, in any liquid;
      especially, something dipped in broth or liquid food, and
      intended to be eaten.

            He it is to whom I shall give a sop, when I have
            dipped it.                            --John xiii.

            Sops in wine, quantity, inebriate more than wine
            itself.                               --Bacon.

            The bounded waters Should lift their bosoms higher
            than the shores, And make a sop of all this solid
            globe.                                --Shak.

   2. Anything given to pacify; -- so called from the sop given
      to Cerberus, as related in mythology.

            All nature is cured with a sop.       --L'Estrange.

   3. A thing of little or no value. [Obs.] --P. Plowman.

   {Sops in wine} (Bot.), an old name of the clove pink,
      alluding to its having been used to flavor wine.

            Garlands of roses and sops in wine.   --Spenser.

   {Sops of wine} (Bot.), an old European variety of apple, of a
      yellow and red color, shading to deep red; -- called also
      {sopsavine}, and {red shropsavine}.
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