
Red silver

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Silver \Sil"ver\, n. [OE. silver, selver, seolver, AS. seolfor,
   siolfur, siolufr, silofr, sylofr; akin to OS. silubar,
   OFries. selover, D. zilver, LG. sulver, OHG. silabar, silbar,
   G. silber, Icel. silfr, Sw. silfver, Dan. s["o]lv, Goth.
   silubr, Russ. serebro, Lith. sidabras; of unknown origin.]
   1. (Chem.) A soft white metallic element, sonorous, ductile,
      very malleable, and capable of a high degree of polish. It
      is found native, and also combined with sulphur, arsenic,
      antimony, chlorine, etc., in the minerals argentite,
      proustite, pyrargyrite, ceragyrite, etc. Silver is one of
      the ``noble'' metals, so-called, not being easily
      oxidized, and is used for coin, jewelry, plate, and a
      great variety of articles. Symbol Ag (Argentum). Atomic
      weight 107.7. Specific gravity 10.5.

   Note: Silver was known under the name of luna to the ancients
         and also to the alchemists. Some of its compounds, as
         the halogen salts, are remarkable for the effect of
         light upon them, and are used in photography.

   2. Coin made of silver; silver money.

   3. Anything having the luster or appearance of silver.

   4. The color of silver.

   Note: Silver is used in the formation of many compounds of
         obvious meaning; as, silver-armed, silver-bright,
         silver-buskined, silver-coated, silver-footed,
         silver-haired, silver-headed, silver-mantled,
         silver-plated, silver-slippered, silver-sounding,
         silver-studded, silver-tongued, silver-white. See
         {Silver}, a.

   {Black silver} (Min.), stephanite; -- called also {brittle
      silver ore}, or {brittle silver glance}.

   {Fulminating silver}. (Chem.)
      (a) A black crystalline substance, {Ag2O.(NH3)2}, obtained
          by dissolving silver oxide in aqua ammonia. When dry
          it explodes violently on the slightest percussion.
      (b) Silver fulminate, a white crystalline substance,
          {Ag2C2N2O2}, obtained by adding alcohol to a solution
          of silver nitrate. When dry it is violently explosive.

   {German silver}. (Chem.) See under {German}.

   {Gray silver}. (Min.) See {Freieslebenite}.

   {Horn silver}. (Min.) See {Cerargyrite}.

   {King's silver}. (O. Eng. Law) See {Postfine}.

   {Red silver}, or {Ruby silver}. (Min.) See {Proustite}, and

   {Silver beater}, one who beats silver into silver leaf or
      silver foil.

   {Silver glance}, or {Vitreous silver}. (Min.) See

   {Red horse}. (Zo["o]l.)
   (a) Any large American red fresh-water sucker, especially
       {Moxostoma macrolepidotum} and allied species.
   (b) See the Note under {Drumfish}.

   {Red lead}.
   (Chem) See under {Lead}, and {Minium}.

   {Red-lead ore}. (Min.) Same as {Crocoite}.

   {Red liquor} (Dyeing), a solution consisting essentially of
      aluminium acetate, used as a mordant in the fixation of
      dyestuffs on vegetable fiber; -- so called because used
      originally for red dyestuffs. Called also {red mordant}.

   {Red maggot} (Zo["o]l.), the larva of the wheat midge.

   {Red manganese}. (Min.) Same as {Rhodochrosite}.

   {Red man}, one of the American Indians; -- so called from his

   {Red maple} (Bot.), a species of maple ({Acer rubrum}). See

   {Red mite}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Red spider}, below.

   {Red mulberry} (Bot.), an American mulberry of a dark purple
      color ({Morus rubra}).

   {Red mullet} (Zo["o]l.), the surmullet. See {Mullet}.

   {Red ocher} (Min.), a soft earthy variety of hematite, of a
      reddish color.

   {Red perch} (Zo["o]l.), the rosefish.

   {Red phosphorus}. (Chem.) See under {Phosphorus}.

   {Red pine} (Bot.), an American species of pine ({Pinus
      resinosa}); -- so named from its reddish bark.

   {Red precipitate}. See under {Precipitate}.

   {Red Republican} (European Politics), originally, one who
      maintained extreme republican doctrines in France, --
      because a red liberty cap was the badge of the party; an
      extreme radical in social reform. [Cant]

   {Red ribbon}, the ribbon of the Order of the Bath in England.

   {Red sanders}. (Bot.) See {Sanders}.

   {Red sandstone}. (Geol.) See under {Sandstone}.

   {Red scale} (Zo["o]l.), a scale insect ({Aspidiotus
      aurantii}) very injurious to the orange tree in California
      and Australia.

   {Red silver} (Min.), an ore of silver, of a ruby-red or
      reddish black color. It includes {proustite}, or light red
      silver, and {pyrargyrite}, or dark red silver.

   {Red snapper} (Zo["o]l.), a large fish ({Lutlanus aya or
      Blackfordii}) abundant in the Gulf of Mexico and about the
      Florida reefs.

   {Red snow}, snow colored by a mocroscopic unicellular alga
      ({Protococcus nivalis}) which produces large patches of
      scarlet on the snows of arctic or mountainous regions.

   {Red softening} (Med.) a form of cerebral softening in which
      the affected parts are red, -- a condition due either to
      infarction or inflammation.

   {Red spider} (Zo["o]l.), a very small web-spinning mite
      ({Tetranychus telarius}) which infests, and often
      destroys, plants of various kinds, especially those
      cultivated in houses and conservatories. It feeds mostly
      on the under side of the leaves, and causes them to turn
      yellow and die. The adult insects are usually pale red.
      Called also {red mite}.

   {Red squirrel} (Zo["o]l.), the chickaree.

   {Red tape}, the tape used in public offices for tying up
      documents, etc.; hence, official formality and delay.
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