

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Demur \De*mur"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Demurred}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Demurring}.] [OF. demurer, demorer, demourer, to linger,
   stay, F. demeurer, fr. L. demorari; de- + morari to delay,
   tarry, stay, mora delay; prob. originally, time for thinking,
   reflection, and akin to memor mindful. See {Memory}.]
   1. To linger; to stay; to tarry. [Obs.]

            Yet durst not demur nor abide upon the camp.

   2. To delay; to pause; to suspend proceedings or judgment in
      view of a doubt or difficulty; to hesitate; to put off the
      determination or conclusion of an affair.

            Upon this rub, the English embassadors thought fit
            to demur.                             --Hayward.

   3. To scruple or object; to take exception; as, I demur to
      that statement.

   4. (Law) To interpose a demurrer. See {Demurrer}, 2.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     See {demur}

     v 1: take exception to; "he demurred at my suggestion to work on
          Saturday" [syn: {except}]
     2: enter a demurrer
     [also: {demurring}, {demurred}]

     n : (law) a formal objection to an opponent's pleadings [syn: {demurral},
     [also: {demurring}, {demurred}]
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