
Demurrer to evidence

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Demurrer \De*mur"rer\, n.
   1. One who demurs.

   2. (Law) A stop or pause by a party to an action, for the
      judgment of the court on the question, whether, assuming
      the truth of the matter alleged by the opposite party, it
      is sufficient in law to sustain the action or defense, and
      hence whether the party resting is bound to answer or
      proceed further.

   {Demurrer to evidence}, an exception taken by a party to the
      evidence offered by the opposite party, and an objecting
      to proceed further, on the allegation that such evidence
      is not sufficient in law to maintain the issue, and a
      reference to the court to determine the point. --Bouvier.
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