

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Piping \Pip"ing\ (p[imac]p"[i^]ng), a. [From {Pipe}, v.]
   1. Playing on a musical pipe. ``Lowing herds and piping
      swains.'' --Swift.

   2. Peaceful; favorable to, or characterized by, the music of
      the pipe rather than of the drum and fife. --Shak.

   3. Emitting a high, shrill sound.

   4. Simmering; boiling; sizzling; hissing; -- from the sound
      of boiling fluids.

   {Piping crow}, {Piping crow shrike}, {Piping roller}
      (Zo["o]l.), any Australian bird of the genus {Gymnorhina},
      esp. {G. tibicen}, which is black and white, and the size
      of a small crow. Called also {caruck}.

   {Piping frog} (Zo["o]l.), a small American tree frog ({Hyla
      Pickeringii}) which utters a high, shrill note in early

   {Piping hot}, boiling hot; hissing hot; very hot. [Colloq.]
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