
Carum Petroselinum

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Parsley \Pars"ley\, n. [OE. persely, persil, F. persil, L.
   petroselinum rock parsley, Gr. ?; ? stone + ? parsley. Cf.
   {Celery}.] (Bot.)
   An aromatic umbelliferous herb ({Carum Petroselinum}), having
   finely divided leaves which are used in cookery and as a

         As she went to the garden for parsley, to stuff a
         rabbit.                                  --Shak.

   {Fool's parsley}. See under {Fool}.

   {Hedge parsley}, {Milk parsley}, {Stone parsley}, names given
      to various weeds of similar appearance to the parsley.

   {Parsley fern} (Bot.), a small fern with leaves resembling
      parsley ({Cryptogramme crispa}).

   {Parsley piert} (Bot.), a small herb ({Alchemilla arvensis})
      formerly used as a remedy for calculus.
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