
activation record

資料來源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

activation record
         (Or "data frame", "stack frame") A data structure
        containing the variables belonging to one particular {scope}
        (e.g. a procedure body), as well as links to other activation
        Activation records are usually created (on the {stack}) on
        entry to a block and destroyed on exit.  If a procedure or
        function may be returned as a result, stored in a variable and
        used in an outer scope then its activation record must be
        stored in a {heap} so that its variables still exist when it
        is used.  Variables in the current {scope} are accessed via
        the {frame pointer} which points to the current activation
        record.  Variables in an outer scope are accessed by following
        chains of links between activation records.  There are two
        kinds of link - the {static link} and the {dynamic link}.
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