
Active capital

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Active \Ac"tive\, a. [F. actif, L. activus, fr. agere to act.]
   1. Having the power or quality of acting; causing change;
      communicating action or motion; acting; -- opposed to
      {passive}, that receives; as, certain active principles;
      the powers of the mind.

   2. Quick in physical movement; of an agile and vigorous body;
      nimble; as, an active child or animal.

            Active and nervous was his gait.      --Wordsworth.

   3. In action; actually proceeding; working; in force; --
      opposed to {quiescent}, {dormant}, or {extinct}; as,
      active laws; active hostilities; an active volcano.

   4. Given to action; constantly engaged in action; energetic;
      diligent; busy; -- opposed to {dull}, {sluggish},
      {indolent}, or {inert}; as, an active man of business;
      active mind; active zeal.

   5. Requiring or implying action or exertion; -- opposed to
      {sedentary} or to {tranquil}; as, active employment or
      service; active scenes.

   6. Given to action rather than contemplation; practical;
      operative; -- opposed to {speculative} or {theoretical};
      as, an active rather than a speculative statesman.

   7. Brisk; lively; as, an active demand for corn.

   8. Implying or producing rapid action; as, an active disease;
      an active remedy.

   9. (Gram.)
      (a) Applied to a form of the verb; -- opposed to
          {passive}. See {Active voice}, under {Voice}.
      (b) Applied to verbs which assert that the subject acts
          upon or affects something else; transitive.
      (c) Applied to all verbs that express action as distinct
          from mere existence or state.

   {Active capital}, {Active wealth}, money, or property that
      may readily be converted into money.

   Syn: Agile; alert; brisk; vigorous; nimble; lively; quick;
        sprightly; prompt; energetic.

Capital \Cap"i*tal\, n. [Cf. L. capitellum and Capitulum, a
   small head, the head, top, or capital of a column, dim. of
   caput head; F. chapiteau, OF. capitel. See {Chief}, and cf.
   {Cattle}, {Chattel}, {Chapiter}, {Chapter}.]
   1. (Arch.) The head or uppermost member of a column,
      pilaster, etc. It consists generally of three parts,
      abacus, bell (or vase), and necking. See these terms, and

   2. [Cf. F. capilate, fem., sc. ville.] (Geog.) The seat of
      government; the chief city or town in a country; a
      metropolis. ``A busy and splendid capital'' --Macauly.

   3. [Cf. F. capital.] Money, property, or stock employed in
      trade, manufactures, etc.; the sum invested or lent, as
      distinguished from the income or interest. See {Capital
      stock}, under {Capital}, a.

   4. (Polit. Econ.) That portion of the produce of industry,
      which may be directly employed either to support human
      beings or to assist in production. --M'Culloch.

   Note: When wealth is used to assist production it is called
         capital. The capital of a civilized community includes
         fixed capital (i.e. buildings, machines, and roads used
         in the course of production and exchange) amd
         circulating capital (i.e., food, fuel, money, etc.,
         spent in the course of production and exchange). --T.

   5. Anything which can be used to increase one's power or

            He tried to make capital out of his rival's
            discomfiture.                         --London

   6. (Fort.) An imaginary line dividing a bastion, ravelin, or
      other work, into two equal parts.

   7. A chapter, or section, of a book. [Obs.]

            Holy St. Bernard hath said in the 59th capital.
                                                  --Sir W.

   8. (Print.) See {Capital letter}, under {Capital}, a.

   {Active capital}. See under {Active},

   {Small capital} (Print.), a small capital letter. See under
      {Capital}, a.

   {To live on one's capital}, to consume one's capital without
      producing or accumulating anything to replace it.
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