

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Reluctance \Re*luc"tance\ (r?-l?k"tans), Reluctancy
\Re*luc"tan*cy\ (-tan-s?), n. [See {Reluctant}.]
   The state or quality of being reluctant; repugnance; aversion
   of mind; unwillingness; -- often followed by an infinitive,
   or by to and a noun, formerly sometimes by against.
   ``Tempering the severity of his looks with a reluctance to
   the action.'' --Dryden.

         He had some reluctance to obey the summons. --Sir W.

         Bear witness, Heaven, with what reluctancy Her helpless
         innocence I doom to die.                 --Dryden.

   Syn: Syn. See {Dislike}.
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