

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Reluctant \Re*luc"tant\ (-tant), a. [L. reluctans, -antis, p.
   pr. of reluctari. See {Reluct}.]
   1. Striving against; opposed in desire; unwilling;
      disinclined; loth.

            Reluctant, but in vain.               --Milton.

            Reluctant now I touched the trembling string.

   2. Proceeding from an unwilling mind; granted with
      reluctance; as, reluctant obedience. --Mitford.

   Syn: Averse; unwilling; loth; disinclined; repugnant;
        backward; coy. See {Averse}.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom; "a
            reluctant smile"; "loath to admit a mistake";
            "unwilling to face facts" [syn: {loath}, {loth}]
     2: unwilling to become involved; "they were usually reluctant
        to socialize"; "reluctant to help"
     3: not eager; "foreigners stubbornly uneager to accept our
        ways"; "fresh from college and uneager for the moment to
        marry him"; "reluctant to help"
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