

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Corrosive \Cor*ro"sive\ (k?r-r?"s?v), a. [Cf. F. corrosif.]
   1. Eating away; having the power of gradually wearing,
      changing, or destroying the texture or substance of a
      body; as, the corrosive action of an acid. ``Corrosive
      liquors.'' --Grew. ``Corrosive famine.'' --Thomson.

   2. Having the quality of fretting or vexing.

            Care is no cure, but corrosive.       --Shak.

   {Corrosive sublimate} (Chem.), mercuric chloride, {HgCl2}; so
      called because obtained by sublimation, and because of its
      harsh irritating action on the body tissue. Usually it is
      in the form of a heavy, transparent, crystalline
      substance, easily soluble, and of an acrid, burning taste.
      It is a virulent poison, a powerful antiseptic, and an
      excellent antisyphilitic; called also {mercuric
      bichloride}. It is to be carefully distinguished from
      calomel, the mild chloride of mercury.
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