

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Precipitate \Pre*cip"i*tate\, n. [NL. praecipitatum: cf. F.
   1. (Chem.) An insoluble substance separated from a solution
      in a concrete state by the action of some reagent added to
      the solution, or of some force, such as heat or cold. The
      precipitate may fall to the bottom (whence the name), may
      be diffused through the solution, or may float at or near
      the surface.

   {Red precipitate} (Old. Chem), mercuric oxide ({HgO}) a heavy
      red crystalline powder obtained by heating mercuric
      nitrate, or by heating mercury in the air. Prepared in the
      latter manner, it was the {precipitate per se} of the

   {White precipitate} (Old Chem.)
      (a) A heavy white amorphous powder ({NH2.HgCl}) obtained
          by adding ammonia to a solution of mercuric chloride
          or corrosive sublimate; -- formerly called also
          {infusible white precipitate}, and now {amido-mercuric
      (b) A white crystalline substance obtained by adding a
          solution of corrosive sublimate to a solution of sal
          ammoniac (ammonium chloride); -- formerly called also
          {fusible white precipitate}.
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