

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Wonder \Won"der\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Wondered}; p. pr. & vb.
   n. {Wondering}.] [AS. wundrian.]
   1. To be affected with surprise or admiration; to be struck
      with astonishment; to be amazed; to marvel.

            I could not sufficiently wonder at the intrepidity
            of these diminutive mortals.          --Swift.

            We cease to wonder at what we understand. --Johnson.

   2. To feel doubt and curiosity; to wait with uncertain
      expectation; to query in the mind; as, he wondered why
      they came.

            I wonder, in my soul, What you would ask me, that I
            should deny.                          --Shak.

Wonder \Won"der\, n. [OE. wonder, wunder, AS. wundor; akin to D.
   wonder, OS. wundar, OHG. wuntar, G. wunder, Icel. undr, Sw. &
   Dan. under, and perhaps to Gr. ? to gaze at.]
   1. That emotion which is excited by novelty, or the
      presentation to the sight or mind of something new,
      unusual, strange, great, extraordinary, or not well
      understood; surprise; astonishment; admiration; amazement.

            They were filled with wonder and amazement at that
            which had happened unto him.          --Acts iii.

            Wonder is the effect of novelty upon ignorance.

   Note: Wonder expresses less than astonishment, and much less
         than amazement. It differs from admiration, as now
         used, in not being necessarily accompanied with love,
         esteem, or approbation.

   2. A cause of wonder; that which excites surprise; a strange
      thing; a prodigy; a miracle. `` Babylon, the wonder of all
      tongues.'' --Milton.

            To try things oft, and never to give over, doth
            wonders.                              --Bacon.

            I am as a wonder unto many.           --Ps. lxxi. 7.

   {Seven wonders of the world}. See in the Dictionary of Noted
      Names in Fiction.

Wonder \Won"der\, a.
   Wonderful. [Obs.] --Gower.

         After that he said a wonder thing.       --Chaucer.

Wonder \Won"der\, adv.
   Wonderfully. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising
          [syn: {wonderment}, {admiration}]
     2: something that causes feelings of wonder; "the wonders of
        modern science" [syn: {marvel}]
     3: a state in which you want to learn more about something
        [syn: {curiosity}]

     v 1: have a wish or desire to know something; "He wondered who
          had built this beautiful church" [syn: {inquire}, {enquire}]
     2: place in doubt or express doubtful speculation; "I wonder
        whether this was the right thing to do"; "she wondered
        whether it would snow tonight" [syn: {question}]
     3: be amazed at; "We marvelled at the child's linguistic
        abilities" [syn: {marvel}]
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