
witch hazel

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hazel \Ha"zel\, n. [OE. hasel, AS. h[ae]sel; akin to D.
   hazelaar, G. hazel, OHG. hasal, hasala, Icel. hasl, Dan & Sw.
   hassel, L. corylus, for cosylus.]
   1. (Bot.) A shrub or small tree of the genus {Corylus}, as
      the {C. avellana}, bearing a nut containing a kernel of a
      mild, farinaceous taste; the filbert. The American species
      are {C. Americana}, which produces the common hazelnut,
      and {C. rostrata}. See {Filbert}. --Gray.

   2. A miner's name for freestone. --Raymond.

   {Hazel earth}, soil suitable for the hazel; a fertile loam.

   {Hazel grouse} (Zo["o]l.), a European grouse ({Bonasa
      betulina}), allied to the American ruffed grouse.

   {Hazel hoe}, a kind of grub hoe.

   {Witch hazel}. See {Witch-hazel}, and {Hamamelis}.

資料來源 : WordNet®

witch hazel
     n 1: any of several shrubs or trees of the genus Hamamelis; bark
          yields an astringent lotion [syn: {wych hazel}]
     2: lotion consisting of an astringent alcoholic solution
        containing an extract from the witch hazel plant [syn: {wych
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