

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Windlass \Wind"lass\, n.[Perhaps from wind to turn + lace.]
   A winding and circuitous way; a roundabout course; a shift.

Windlass \Wind"lass\, v. i.
   To take a roundabout course; to work warily or by indirect
   means. [Obs.] --Hammond.

Windlass \Wind"lass\, n. [OE. windelas, windas, Icel.
   vindil[=a]ss, vind[=a]s, fr. vinda to wind + [=a]ss a pole;
   cf. Goth. ans a beam. See {Wind} to turn.]
   1. A machine for raising weights, consisting of a horizontal
      cylinder or roller moving on its axis, and turned by a
      crank, lever, or similar means, so as to wind up a rope or
      chain attached to the weight. In vessels the windlass is
      often used instead of the capstan for raising the anchor.
      It is usually set upon the forecastle, and is worked by
      hand or steam.

   2. An apparatus resembling a winch or windlass, for bending
      the bow of an arblast, or crossbow. [Obs.] --Shak.

   {Chinese windlass}. See {Differential windlass}, under

Windlass \Wind"lass\, v. t. & i.
   To raise with, or as with, a windlass; to use a windlass.
   --The Century.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : lifting device consisting of a horizontal cylinder turned by
         a crank on which a cable or rope winds [syn: {winch}]
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