
wild thyme

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Thyme \Thyme\ (t[imac]m), n. [OE. tyme, L. thymum, Gr. qy`mon,
   qy`mos; cf. qy`ein, to sacrifice, qy`os a sacrifice,
   offering, incense: cf. F. thym; -- perhaps so named because
   of its sweet smell. Cf. {Fume}, n.] (Bot.)
   Any plant of the labiate genus {Thymus}. The garden thyme
   ({Thymus vulgaris}) is a warm, pungent aromatic, much used to
   give a relish to seasoning and soups.

         Ankle deep in moss and flowery thyme.    --Cowper.

   {Cat thyme}, a labiate plant ({Teucrium Marum}) of the
      Mediterranean religion. Cats are said to be fond of
      rolling on it. --J. Smith (Dict. Econ. Plants).

   {Wild thyme}, {Thymus Serpyllum}, common on banks and
      hillsides in Europe.

            I know a bank where the wild thyme blows. --Shak.

資料來源 : WordNet®

wild thyme
     n : aromatic dwarf shrub common on banks and hillsides in
         Europe; naturalized in United States [syn: {creeping
         thyme}, {Thymus serpyllum}]
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