

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Whoop \Whoop\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Whooped}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Whooping}.] [OE. houpen. See {Hoop}, v. i.]
   1. To utter a whoop, or loud cry, as eagerness, enthusiasm,
      or enjoyment; to cry out; to shout; to halloo; to utter a
      war whoop; to hoot, as an owl.

            Each whooping with a merry shout.     --Wordsworth.

            When naught was heard but now and then the howl Of
            some vile cur, or whooping of the owl. --W. Browne.

   2. To cough or breathe with a sonorous inspiration, as in
      whooping cough.

Whoop \Whoop\, n. [See Hoopoe.] (Zo["o]l.)
   The hoopoe.

Whoop \Whoop\, v. t.
   To insult with shouts; to chase with derision.

         And suffered me by the voice of slaves to be Whooped
         out of Rome.                             --Shak.

Whoop \Whoop\, n.
   1. A shout of pursuit or of war; a very of eagerness,
      enthusiasm, enjoyment, vengeance, terror, or the like; an
      halloo; a hoot, or cry, as of an owl.

            A fox, crossing the road, drew off a considerable
            detachment, who clapped spurs to their horses, and
            pursued him with whoops and halloos.  --Addison.

            The whoop of the crane.               --Longfellow.

   2. A loud, shrill, prolonged sound or sonorous inspiration,
      as in whooping cough.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : a loud hooting cry of exultation or excitement
     v 1: shout, as if with joy or enthusiasm; "The children whooped
          when they were led to the picnic table"
     2: cough spasmodically; "The patient with emphysema is hacking
        all day" [syn: {hack}]
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