
whole snipe

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Whole \Whole\, a. [OE. hole, hol, hal, hool, AS. h[=a]l well,
   sound, healthy; akin to OFries. & OS. h?l, D. heel, G. heil,
   Icel. heill, Sw. hel whole, Dan. heel, Goth. hails well,
   sound, OIr. c?l augury. Cf. {Hale}, {Hail} to greet, {Heal}
   to cure, {Health}, {Holy}.]
   1. Containing the total amount, number, etc.; comprising all
      the parts; free from deficiency; all; total; entire; as,
      the whole earth; the whole solar system; the whole army;
      the whole nation. ``On their whole host I flew unarmed.''

            The whole race of mankind.            --Shak.

   2. Complete; entire; not defective or imperfect; not broken
      or fractured; unimpaired; uninjured; integral; as, a whole
      orange; the egg is whole; the vessel is whole.

            My life is yet whole in me.           --2 Sam. i. 9.

   3. Possessing, or being in a state of, heath and soundness;
      healthy; sound; well.

            [She] findeth there her friends hole and sound.

            They that be whole need not a physician. --Matt. ix.

            When Sir Lancelot's deadly hurt was whole.

   {Whole blood}. (Law of Descent) See under {Blood}, n., 2.

   {Whole note} (Mus.), the note which represents a note of
      longest duration in common use; a semibreve.

   {Whole number} (Math.), a number which is not a fraction or
      mixed number; an integer.

   {Whole snipe} (Zo["o]l.), the common snipe, as distinguished
      from the smaller jacksnipe. [Prov. Eng.]

   Syn: All; total; complete; entire; integral; undivided;
        uninjured; unimpaired; unbroken; healthy.

   Usage: {Whole}, {Total}, {Entire}, {Complete}. When we use
          the word whole, we refer to a thing as made up of
          parts, none of which are wanting; as, a whole week; a
          whole year; the whole creation. When we use the word
          total, we have reference to all as taken together, and
          forming a single totality; as, the total amount; the
          total income. When we speak of a thing as entire, we
          have no reference to parts at all, but regard the
          thing as an integer, i. e., continuous or unbroken;
          as, an entire year; entire prosperity. When we speak
          of a thing as complete, there is reference to some
          progress which results in a filling out to some end or
          object, or a perfected state with no deficiency; as,
          complete success; a complete victory.

                All the whole army stood agazed on him. --Shak.

                One entire and perfect chrysolite. --Shak.

                Lest total darkness should by night regain Her
                old possession, and extinguish life. --Milton.

                So absolute she seems, And in herself complete.

資料來源 : WordNet®

whole snipe
     n : common snipe of Eurasia and Africa [syn: {common snipe}, {Gallinago
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