
white or southern corn

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Corn \Corn\, n. [AS. corn; akin to OS. korn, D. koren, G., Dan.,
   Sw., & Icel. korn, Goth. ka['u]rn, L. granum, Russ. zerno.
   Cf. {Grain}, {Kernel}.]
   1. A single seed of certain plants, as wheat, rye, barley,
      and maize; a grain.

   2. The various farinaceous grains of the cereal grasses used
      for food, as wheat, rye, barley, maize, oats.

   Note: In Scotland, corn is generally restricted to oats, in
         the United States, to maize, or {Indian corn}, of which
         there are several kinds; as, {yellow corn}, which grows
         chiefly in the Northern States, and is yellow when
         ripe; {white or southern corn}, which grows to a great
         height, and has long white kernels; {sweet corn},
         comprising a number of sweet and tender varieties,
         grown chiefly at the North, some of which have kernels
         that wrinkle when ripe and dry; {pop corn}, any small
         variety, used for popping.

   3. The plants which produce corn, when growing in the field;
      the stalks and ears, or the stalks, ears, and seeds, after
      reaping and before thrashing.

            In one night, ere glimpse of morn, His shadowy flail
            had thrashed the corn.                --Milton.

   4. A small, hard particle; a grain. ``Corn of sand.'' --Bp.
      Hall. ``A corn of powder.'' --Beau. & Fl.

   {Corn ball}, a ball of popped corn stuck together with soft
      candy from molasses or sugar.

   {Corn bread}, bread made of Indian meal.

   {Corn cake}, a kind of corn bread; johnny cake; hoecake.

   {Corn cockle} (Bot.), a weed ({Agrostemma or Lychnis
      Githago}), having bright flowers, common in grain fields.

   {Corn flag} (Bot.), a plant of the genus {Gladiolus}; --
      called also {sword lily}.

   {Corn fly}. (Zo["o]l.)
      (a) A small fly which, in the larval state, is injurious
          to grain, living in the stalk, and causing the disease
          called ``gout,'' on account of the swelled joints. The
          common European species is {Chlorops t[ae]niopus}.
      (b) A small fly ({Anthomyia ze}) whose larva or maggot
          destroys seed corn after it has been planted.

   {Corn fritter}, a fritter having green Indian corn mixed
      through its batter. [U. S.]

   {Corn laws}, laws regulating trade in corn, especially those
      in force in Great Britain till 1846, prohibiting the
      importation of foreign grain for home consumption, except
      when the price rose above a certain rate.

   {Corn marigold}. (Bot.) See under {Marigold}.

   {Corn oyster}, a fritter containing grated green Indian corn
      and butter, the combined taste resembling that of oysters.

   {Corn parsley} (Bot.), a plant of the parsley genus
      ({Petroselinum segetum}), a weed in parts of Europe and

   {Corn popper}, a utensil used in popping corn.

   {Corn poppy} (Bot.), the red poppy ({Papaver Rh[oe]as}),
      common in European cornfields; -- also called {corn rose}.

   {Corn rent}, rent paid in corn.

   {Corn rose}. See {Corn poppy}.

   {Corn salad} (Bot.), a name given to several species of
      {Valerianella}, annual herbs sometimes used for salad. {V.
      olitoria} is also called {lamb's lettuce}.

   {Corn stone}, red limestone. [Prov. Eng.]

   {Corn violet} (Bot.), a species of {Campanula}.

   {Corn weevil}. (Zo["o]l.)
      (a) A small weevil which causes great injury to grain.
      (b) In America, a weevil ({Sphenophorus ze[ae]}) which
          attacks the stalk of maize near the root, often doing
          great damage. See {Grain weevil}, under {Weevil}.
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