

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Whisky \Whis"ky\, Whiskey \Whis"key\, n. [Ir. or Gael. uisge
   water (perhaps akin to E. wash, water) in uisgebeatha
   whiskey, properly, water of life. Cf. {Usquebaugh}.]
   An intoxicating liquor distilled from grain, potatoes, etc.,
   especially in Scotland, Ireland, and the United States. In
   the United States, whisky is generally distilled from maize,
   rye, or wheat, but in Scotland and Ireland it is often made
   from malted barley.

   {Bourbon whisky}, corn whisky made in Bourbon County,

   {Crooked whisky}. See under {Crooked}.

   {Whisky Jack} (Zo["o]l.), the Canada jay ({Perisoreus
      Canadensis}). It is noted for its fearless and familiar
      habits when it frequents the camps of lumbermen in the
      winter season. Its color is dull grayish blue, lighter
      beneath. Called also {moose bird}.

Whiskey \Whis"key\, n.
   Same as {Whisky}, a liquor.

Whiskey \Whis"key\, Whisky \Whis"ky\, n.; pl. {Whiskeys}or
   {Whiskies}. [See {Whisk}, v. t. & n.]
   A light carriage built for rapid motion; -- called also

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : a liquor made from fermented mash of grain [syn: {whisky}]
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