

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Vole \Vole\, n. [F.]
   A deal at cards that draws all the tricks. --Swift.

Vole \Vole\, v. i. (Card Playing)
   To win all the tricks by a vole. --Pope.

Vole \Vole\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
   Any one of numerous species of micelike rodents belonging to
   {Arvicola} and allied genera of the subfamily
   {Arvicolin[ae]}. They have a thick head, short ears, and a
   short hairy tail.

   Note: The water vole, or water rat, of Europe ({Arvicola
         amphibius}) is a common large aquatic species. The
         short-tailed field vole ({A. agrestis}) of Northern and
         Central Europe, and Asia, the Southern field vole ({A.
         arvalis}), and the Siberian root vole ({A.
         [oe]conomus}), are important European species. The
         common species of the Eastern United States ({A.
         riparius}) (called also {meadow mouse}) and the prairie
         mouse ({A. austerus}) are abundant, and often injurious
         to vegetation. Other species are found in Canada.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : any of various small mouselike rodents of the family
         Cricetidae (especially of genus Microtus) having a stout
         short-tailed body and inconspicuous ears and inhabiting
         fields or meadows [syn: {field mouse}]
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