

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Visual \Vis"u*al\, a. [L. visualis, from visus a seeing, sight:
   cf. F. visuel. See {Vision}.]
   1. Of or pertaining to sight; used in sight; serving as the
      instrument of seeing; as, the visual nerve.

            The air, Nowhere so clear, sharpened his visual ray.

   2. That can be seen; visible. [R.]

   {Visual angle}. (Opt.) See under {Angle}.

   {Visual cone} (Persp.), a cone whose vertex is at the point
      of sight, or the eye.

   {Visual plane}, any plane passing through the point of sight.

   {Visual point}, the point at which the visual rays unite; the
      position of the eye.

   {Visual purple} (Physiol.), a photochemical substance, of a
      purplish red color, contained in the retina of human eyes
      and in the eyes of most animals. It is quickly bleached by
      light, passing through the colors, red, orange, and
      yellow, and then disappearing. Also called {rhodopsin},
      and {vision purple}. See {Optography}.

   {Visual ray}, a line from the eye, or point of sight.

   {Visual white} (Physiol.), the final product in the action of
      light on visual purple. It is reconverted into visual
      purple by the regenerating action of the choroidal

   {Visual yellow} (Physiol.), a product intermediate between
      visual purple and visual white, formed in the
      photochemical action of light on visual purple.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: relating to or using sight; "ocular inspection"; "an optical
            illusion"; "visual powers"; "visual navigation" [syn:
            {ocular}, {optic}, {optical}]
     2: able to be seen; "be sure of it; give me the ocular proof"-
        Shakespeare; "a visual presentation"; "a visual image"
        [syn: {ocular}]
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