

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Visitation \Vis`it*a"tion\, n. [L. visitatio: cf. F.
   1. The act of visiting, or the state of being visited; access
      for inspection or examination.

            Nothing but peace and gentle visitation. --Shak.

   2. Specifically: The act of a superior or superintending
      officer who, in the discharge of his office, visits a
      corporation, college, etc., to examine into the manner in
      which it is conducted, and see that its laws and
      regulations are duly observed and executed; as, the
      visitation of a diocese by a bishop.

   3. The object of a visit. [Obs.] ``O flowers, . . . my early
      visitation and my last.'' --Milton.

   4. (Internat. Law) The act of a naval commander who visits,
      or enters on board, a vessel belonging to another nation,
      for the purpose of ascertaining her character and object,
      but without claiming or exercising a right of searching
      the vessel. It is, however, usually coupled with the right
      of search (see under {Search}), visitation being used for
      the purpose of search.

   5. Special dispensation; communication of divine favor and
      goodness, or, more usually, of divine wrath and vengeance;
      retributive calamity; retribution; judgment.

            What will ye do in the day of visitation? --Isa. x.

   6. (Eccl.) A festival in honor of the visit of the Virgin
      Mary to Elisabeth, mother of John the Baptist, celebrated
      on the second of July.

   {The Order of the Visitation of Our Lady} (R. C. Ch.), a
      religious community of nuns, founded at Annecy, in Savoy,
      in 1610, and in 1808 established in the United States. In
      America these nuns are devoted to the education of girls.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event; "his
          mother-in-law's visits were a great trial for him";
          "life is full of tribulations"; "a visitation of the
          plague" [syn: {trial}, {tribulation}]
     2: any disaster or catastrophe; "a visitation of the plague"
     3: an official visit for inspection or supervision; "the
        commissioner made visitations to all the precinct
        stations"; "the recent visitation of the bishop to his
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