

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Visor \Vis"or\, n. [OE. visere, F. visi[`e]re, fr. OF. vis. See
   {Visage}, {Vision}.] [Written also {visar}, {visard},
   {vizard}, and {vizor}.]
   1. A part of a helmet, arranged so as to lift or open, and so
      show the face. The openings for seeing and breathing are
      generally in it.

   2. A mask used to disfigure or disguise. ``My very visor
      began to assume life.'' --Shak.

            My weaker government since, makes you pull off the
            visor.                                --Sir P.

   3. The fore piece of a cap, projecting over, and protecting
      the eyes.
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