
virtual server

資料來源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

virtual server
         A configuration of a {World-Wide Web}
        {server} that appears to {clients} as an independent server
        but which is actually running on a computer that is shared by
        any number of other virtual servers.  Each virtual server can
        be configured as an independent {web site}, with its own
        {hostname}, content, and security settings.
        {DNS} maps the hostnames of all virtual servers on one
        physical server to its {IP address}.  The web server software
        then uses the "Host" header in the {HTTP} request to determine
        which virtual server the request was for, and then processes
        the request using that virtual server's configuration.
        Virtual servers allow {Internet Service Providers} to share
        one computer between multiple {web sites} while allowing the
        owner of each web site to use and administer the server as
        though they had complete control.
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