

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hemlock \Hem"lock\, n. [OE. hemeluc, humloc, AS. hemlic,
   1. (Bot.) The name of several poisonous umbelliferous herbs
      having finely cut leaves and small white flowers, as the
      {Cicuta maculata}, {bulbifera}, and {virosa}, and the
      {Conium maculatum}. See {Conium}.

   Note: The potion of hemlock administered to Socrates is by
         some thought to have been a decoction of {Cicuta
         virosa}, or water hemlock, by others, of {Conium

   2. (Bot.) An evergreen tree common in North America ({Abies,
      or Tsuga, Canadensis}); hemlock spruce.

            The murmuring pines and the hemlocks. --Longfellow.

   3. The wood or timber of the hemlock tree.

   {Ground hemlock}, or {Dwarf hemlock}. See under {Ground}.
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