

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Yerba \Yer"ba\, n. [Sp.] (Bot.)
   An herb; a plant.

   Note: This word is much used in compound names of plants in
         Spanish; as, yerba buena [Sp., a good herb], a name
         applied in Spain to several kinds of mint ({Mentha
         sativa}, {viridis}, etc.), but in California
         universally applied to a common, sweet-scented labiate
         plant ({Micromeria Douglasii}).

   {Yerba dol osa}. [Sp., herb of the she-bear.] A kind of
      buckthorn ({Rhamnus Californica}).

   {Yerba mansa}. [Sp., a mild herb, soft herb.] A plant
      ({Anemopsis Californica}) with a pungent, aromatic
      rootstock, used medicinally by the Mexicans and the

   {Yerba reuma}. [Cf. Sp. reuma rheum, rheumatism.] A low
      California undershrub ({Frankenia grandifolia}).
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