
vinegar tree

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Vinegar \Vin"e*gar\, n. [OE. vinegre, F. vinaigre; vin wine (L.
   vinum) + aigre sour. See {Wine}, and {Eager}, a.]
   1. A sour liquid used as a condiment, or as a preservative,
      and obtained by the spontaneous (acetous) fermentation, or
      by the artificial oxidation, of wine, cider, beer, or the

   Note: The characteristic sourness of vinegar is due to acetic
         acid, of which it contains from three to five per cent.
         Wine vinegar contains also tartaric acid, citric acid,

   2. Hence, anything sour; -- used also metaphorically.

            Here's the challenge: . . . I warrant there's
            vinegar and pepper in't.              --Shak.

   {Aromatic vinegar}, strong acetic acid highly flavored with
      aromatic substances.

   {Mother of vinegar}. See 4th {Mother}.

   {Radical vinegar}, acetic acid.

   {Thieves' vinegar}. See under {Thief}.

   {Vinegar eel} (Zo["o]l.), a minute nematode worm ({Leptodera
      oxophila}, or {Anguillula acetiglutinis}), commonly found
      in great numbers in vinegar, sour paste, and other
      fermenting vegetable substances; -- called also {vinegar

   {Vinegar lamp} (Chem.), a fanciful name of an apparatus
      designed to oxidize alcohol to acetic acid by means of

   {Vinegar plant}. See 4th {Mother}.

   {Vinegar tree} (Bot.), the stag-horn sumac ({Rhus typhina}),
      whose acid berries have been used to intensify the
      sourness of vinegar.

   {Wood vinegar}. See under {Wood}.

資料來源 : WordNet®

vinegar tree
     n 1: deciduous shrubby tree or eastern North America with
          compound leaves that turn brilliant red in fall and
          dense panicles of greenish yellow flowers followed by
          crimson acidic berries [syn: {staghorn sumac}, {velvet
          sumac}, {Virginian sumac}, {Rhus typhina}]
     2: common nonpoisonous shrub of eastern North America with waxy
        compound leaves and green paniculate flowers followed by
        red berries [syn: {smooth sumac}, {scarlet sumac}, {Rhus
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