

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Victor \Vic"tor\, n. [L. victor, fr. vincere, victum, to
   vanquish, to conquer. See {Vanquish}.]
   1. The winner in a contest; one who gets the better of
      another in any struggle; esp., one who defeats an enemy in
      battle; a vanquisher; a conqueror; -- often followed by
      art, rarely by of.

            In love, the victors from the vanquished fly; They
            fly that wound, and they pursue that die. --Waller.

   2. A destroyer. [R. & Poetic]

            There, victor of his health, of fortune, friends,
            And fame, this lord of useless thousands ends.

Victor \Vic"tor\, a.
   Victorious. ``The victor Greeks.'' --Pope.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a combatant who is able to defeat rivals [syn: {master}, {superior}]
     2: the contestant who wins the contest [syn: {winner}] [ant: {loser}]
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