

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Uproar \Up"roar\, n. [D. oproer; akin to G. aufruhr, Dan.
   opr["o]r, Sw. uppror; D. op up + roeren to stir; akin to AS.
   hr?ran to stir, hr?r stirring, active, G. r["u]hren to stir,
   OHG. ruoren, Icel. hr[ae]ra, Dan. r["o]re, Sw. r["o]ra. Cf.

   Note: [In verse, sometimes accented on the second syllable.]
   Great tumult; violent disturbance and noise; noisy confusion;
   bustle and clamor.

         But the Jews which believed not, . . . set all the city
         on an uproar.                            --Acts xvii.

Uproar \Up*roar"\, v. t.
   To throw into uproar or confusion. [Obs.] ``Uproar the
   universal peace.'' --Shak.

Uproar \Up*roar"\, v. i.
   To make an uproar. [R.] --Carlyle.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a state of commotion and noise and confusion [syn: {tumult},
           {tumultuousness}, {garboil}]
     2: loud confused noise from many sources [syn: {hubbub}, {brouhaha},
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