

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Untimely \Un*time"ly\, a.
   Not timely; done or happening at an unnatural, unusual, or
   improper time; unseasonable; premature; inopportune; as,
   untimely frosts; untimely remarks; an untimely death.

Untimely \Un*time"ly\, adv.
   Out of the natural or usual time; inopportunely; prematurely;
   unseasonably. ``Let them know . . . what's untimely done.''

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: badly timed; "an ill-timed intervention"; "you think my
            intrusion unseasonable"; "an untimely remark"; "it was
            the wrong moment for a joke" [syn: {ill-timed(a)}, {ill
            timed(p)}, {unseasonable}, {wrong}]
     2: uncommonly early or before the expected time; "illness led
        to his premature death"; "alcohol brought him to an
        untimely end" [syn: {premature}]
     adv : too soon; in a premature manner; "I spoke prematurely" [syn:
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