

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: not meant or adapted for a particular purpose; "a solvent
            unsuitable for use on wood surfaces"
     2: not capable of being applied; "rules inapplicable to day
        students" [syn: {inapplicable}]
     3: not conducive to good moral development; "the movie is
        unsuitable for children"
     4: not worthy of being chosen (especially as a spouse) [syn: {undesirable}]
     5: not appropriate for a purpose or occasion; "unsuitable
        attire for the office"; "said all the wrong things" [syn:
        {improper}, {wrong}]
依字母排序 : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z