

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Unlearned \Un*learn"ed\, a. [Pref. un- + learned.]
   1. Not learned; untaught; uneducated; ignorant; illiterate.

   2. Not gained by study; not known.

   3. Not exhibiting learning; as, unlearned verses. --
      {Un*learn"ed*ly}, adv. -- {Un*learn"ed*ness}, n.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: not established by conditioning or learning; "an
            unconditioned reflex" [syn: {unconditioned}, {innate}]
            [ant: {conditioned}]
     2: not well learned
     3: lacking general education or knowledge; "an ignorant man";
        "nescient of contemporary literature"; "an unlearned group
        incapable of understanding complex issues"; "exhibiting
        contempt for his unlettered companions" [syn: {ignorant},
        {nescient}, {unenlightened}, {unlettered}]
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