
unix to unix copy

資料來源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

Unix to Unix Copy
         (uucp) A {Unix} utility program and
        {protocol} that allows one Unix system to send files to
        another via a {serial line} which may be a cable going
        directly from one machine's {serial port} to another's or may
        involve a {modem} at each end of a telephone line.
        Software is also available to allow uucp to work over
        {Ethernet} though there are better alternatives in this case,
        e.g. {FTP} or {rcp} for file transfer, {SMTP} for {electronic
        mail} or {NNTP} for {news}.
        The term is now also used to describe the large international
        network which uses UUCP to pass {Usenet} {news} and
        {electronic mail}, also known as "UUCPNET".
        {Unix manual page}: uucp(1).
        See also {cu}, {uuencode}.
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