

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Tramontane \Tra*mon"tane\, n.
   One living beyond the mountains; hence, a foreigner; a

Tramontane \Tra*mon"tane\, a. [OF. tramontain, It. tramontano,
   L. transmontanus; trans across, beyond + mons, montis,
   Lying or being beyond the mountains; coming from the other
   side of the mountains; hence, foreign; barbarous.

   Note: The Italians sometimes use this epithet for
         ultramontane, and apply it to the countries north of
         the Alps, as France and Germany, and especially to
         their ecclesiastics, jurists, painters, etc.; and a
         north wind is called a tramontane wind. The French
         lawyers call certain Italian canonists tramontane, or
         ultramontane, doctors; considering them as favoring too
         much the court of Rome. See {Ultramontane}.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: on or coming from the other side of the mountains (from the
            speaker); "the transmontane section of the state";
            "tramontane winds" [syn: {transmontane}] [ant: {cismontane}]
     2: being or coming from another country; "tramontane
     n : a cold dry wind that blows south out of the mountains into
         Italy and the western Mediterranean [syn: {tramontana}]
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