

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Thermoelectricity \Ther`mo*e`lec*tric"i*ty\, n. [Thermo- +
   electricity: cf. F. thermo['e]lectricit['e].] (Physics)
   Electricity developed in the action of heat. See the Note
   under {Electricity}.

Electricity \E`lec*tric"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Electricities}. [Cf. F.
   ['e]lectricit['e]. See {Electric}.]
   1. A power in nature, a manifestation of energy, exhibiting
      itself when in disturbed equilibrium or in activity by a
      circuit movement, the fact of direction in which involves
      polarity, or opposition of properties in opposite
      directions; also, by attraction for many substances, by a
      law involving attraction between surfaces of unlike
      polarity, and repulsion between those of like; by
      exhibiting accumulated polar tension when the circuit is
      broken; and by producing heat, light, concussion, and
      often chemical changes when the circuit passes between the
      poles or through any imperfectly conducting substance or
      space. It is generally brought into action by any
      disturbance of molecular equilibrium, whether from a
      chemical, physical, or mechanical, cause.

   Note: Electricity is manifested under following different
         forms: (a)

   {Statical electricity}, called also

   {Frictional or Common}, {electricity}, electricity in the
      condition of a stationary charge, in which the disturbance
      is produced by friction, as of glass, amber, etc., or by
      induction. (b)

   {Dynamical electricity}, called also

   {Voltaic electricity}, electricity in motion, or as a current
      produced by chemical decomposition, as by means of a
      voltaic battery, or by mechanical action, as by
      dynamo-electric machines. (c)

   {Thermoelectricity}, in which the disturbing cause is heat
      (attended possibly with some chemical action). It is
      developed by uniting two pieces of unlike metals in a bar,
      and then heating the bar unequally. (d)

   {Atmospheric electricity}, any condition of electrical
      disturbance in the atmosphere or clouds, due to some or
      all of the above mentioned causes. (e)

   {Magnetic electricity}, electricity developed by the action
      of magnets. (f)

   {Positive electricity}, the electricity that appears at the
      positive pole or anode of a battery, or that is produced
      by friction of glass; -- called also {vitreous
      electricity}. (g)

   {Negative electricity}, the electricity that appears at the
      negative pole or cathode, or is produced by the friction
      of resinous substance; -- called also resinous
      electricity. (h)

   {Organic electricity}, that which is developed in organic
      structures, either animal or vegetable, the phrase animal
      electricity being much more common.

   2. The science which unfolds the phenomena and laws of
      electricity; electrical science.

   3. Fig.: Electrifying energy or characteristic.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : electricity produced by heat (as in a thermocouple)
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