

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Tester \Tes"ter\, n. [For testern, teston, fr. F. teston, fr.
   OF. teste the head, the head of the king being impressed upon
   the coin. See {Tester} a covering, and cf. {Testone},
   An old French silver coin, originally of the value of about
   eighteen pence, subsequently reduced to ninepence, and later
   to sixpence, sterling. Hence, in modern English slang, a
   sixpence; -- often contracted to {tizzy}. Called also
   {teston}. --Shak.

Tester \Tes"ter\, n. [OE. testere a headpiece, helmet, OF.
   testiere, F. t[^e]ti[`e]re a head covering, fr. OF. teste the
   head, F. t[^e]te, fr. L. testa an earthen pot, the skull. See
   {Test} a cupel, and cf. {Testi[`e]re}.]
   1. A headpiece; a helmet. [Obs.]

            The shields bright, testers, and trappures.

   2. A flat canopy, as over a pulpit or tomb. --Oxf. Gross.

   3. A canopy over a bed, supported by the bedposts.

            No testers to the bed, and the saddles and
            portmanteaus heaped on me to keep off the cold.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: someone who administers a test to determine your
          qualifications [syn: {examiner}, {quizzer}]
     2: a flat canopy (especially one over a four-poster bed)
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