

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Territory \Ter"ri*to*ry\, n.; pl. {Territories}. [L.
   territorium, from terra the earth: cf. F. territoire. See
   1. A large extent or tract of land; a region; a country; a

            He looked, and saw wide territory spread Before him
            -- towns, and rural works between.    --Milton.

   2. The extent of land belonging to, or under the dominion of,
      a prince, state, or other form of government; often, a
      tract of land lying at a distance from the parent country
      or from the seat of government; as, the territory of a
      State; the territories of the East India Company.

   3. In the United States, a portion of the country not
      included within the limits of any State, and not yet
      admitted as a State into the Union, but organized with a
      separate legislature, under a Territorial governor and
      other officers appointed by the President and Senate of
      the United States. In Canada, a similarly organized
      portion of the country not yet formed into a Province.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a region marked off for administrative or other purposes
          [syn: {district}, {territorial dominion}, {dominion}]
     2: an area of knowledge or interest; "his questions covered a
        lot of territory"
     3: the geographical area under the jurisdiction of a sovereign
        state; "American troops were stationed on Japanese soil"
        [syn: {soil}]
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