

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Terrestrial \Ter*res"tri*al\, n.
   An inhabitant of the earth.

Terrestrial \Ter*res"tri*al\, a. [L. terrestris, from terra the
   earth. See {Terrace}.]
   1. Of or pertaining to the earth; existing on the earth;
      earthly; as, terrestrial animals. ``Bodies terrestrial.''
      --1 Cor. xv. 40.

   2. Representing, or consisting of, the earth; as, a
      terrestrial globe. ``The dark terrestrial ball.''

   3. Of or pertaining to the world, or to the present state;
      sublunary; mundane.

            Vain labors of terrestrial wit.       --Spenser.

            A genius bright and base, Of towering talents, and
            terrestrial aims.                     --Young.

   4. Consisting of land, in distinction from water; belonging
      to, or inhabiting, the land or ground, in distinction from
      trees, water, or the like; as, terrestrial serpents.

            The terrestrial parts of the globe.   --Woodward.

   5. Adapted for the observation of objects on land and on the
      earth; as, a terrestrial telescope, in distinction from an
      astronomical telescope. -- {Ter*res"tri*al*ly}, adv. --
      {Ter*res"tri*al*ness}, n.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the
            sea or air [syn: {tellurian}, {telluric}, {terrene}]
     2: of or relating to or characteristic of the planet Earth or
        its inhabitants; "planetary rumblings and eructations"-
        L.C.Eiseley ; "the planetary tilt"; "this terrestrial
        ball" [syn: {planetary}]
     3: operating or living or growing on land [syn: {land(a)}]
        [ant: {amphibious}, {aquatic}]
     4: concerned with the world or worldly matters; "mundane
        affairs"; "he developed an immense terrestrial
        practicality" [syn: {mundane}]
     5: of this earth; "transcendental motives for sublunary
        actions"; "fleeting sublunary pleasures"; "the nearest to
        an angelic being that treads this terrestrial ball" [syn:
        {sublunar}, {sublunary}]
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