

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stump \Stump\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stumped}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   1. To cut off a part of; to reduce to a stump; to lop.

            Around the stumped top soft moss did grow. --Dr. H.

   2. To strike, as the toes, against a stone or something
      fixed; to stub. [Colloq.]

   3. To challenge; also, to nonplus. [Colloq.]

   4. To travel over, delivering speeches for electioneering
      purposes; as, to stump a State, or a district. See {To go
      on the stump}, under {Stump}, n. [Colloq. U.S.]

   5. (Cricket)
      (a) To put (a batsman) out of play by knocking off the
          bail, or knocking down the stumps of the wicket he is
          defending while he is off his allotted ground; --
          sometimes with out. --T. Hughes.
      (b) To bowl down the stumps of, as, of a wicket.

                A herd of boys with clamor bowled, And stumped
                the wicket.                       --Tennyson.

   {To stump it}.
      (a) To go afoot; hence, to run away; to escape. [Slang]
          --Ld. Lytton.
      (b) To make electioneering speeches. [Colloq. U.S.]

Stump \Stump\, n. [OE. stumpe, stompe; akin to D. stomp, G.
   stumpf, Icel. stumpr, Dan. & Sw. stump, and perhaps also to
   E. stamp.]
   1. The part of a tree or plant remaining in the earth after
      the stem or trunk is cut off; the stub.

   2. The part of a limb or other body remaining after a part is
      amputated or destroyed; a fixed or rooted remnant; a stub;
      as, the stump of a leg, a finger, a tooth, or a broom.

   3. pl. The legs; as, to stir one's stumps. [Slang]

   4. (Cricket) One of the three pointed rods stuck in the
      ground to form a wicket and support the bails.

   5. A short, thick roll of leather or paper, cut to a point,
      or any similar implement, used to rub down the lines of a
      crayon or pencil drawing, in shading it, or for shading
      drawings by producing tints and gradations from crayon,
      etc., in powder.

   6. A pin in a tumbler lock which forms an obstruction to
      throwing the bolt, except when the gates of the tumblers
      are properly arranged, as by the key; a fence; also, a pin
      or projection in a lock to form a guide for a movable

   {Leg stump} (Cricket), the stump nearest to the batsman.

   {Off stump} (Cricket), the stump farthest from the batsman.

   {Stump tracery} (Arch.), a term used to describe late German
      Gothic tracery, in which the molded bar seems to pass
      through itself in its convolutions, and is then cut off
      short, so that a section of the molding is seen at the end
      of each similar stump.

   {To go on the stump}, or {To take the stump}, to engage in
      making public addresses for electioneering purposes; -- a
      phrase derived from the practice of using a stump for a
      speaker's platform in newly-settled districts. Hence also
      the phrases stump orator, stump speaker, stump speech,
      stump oratory, etc. [Colloq. U.S.]

Stump \Stump\, v. i.
   To walk clumsily, as if on stumps.

   {To stump up}, to pay cash. [Prov. Eng.] --Halliwell.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     v 1: cause to be perplexed or confounded; "This problem stumped
          her" [syn: {mix up}]
     2: walk heavily; "The men stomped through the snow in their
        heavy boots" [syn: {stomp}, {stamp}]
     3: travel through a district and make political speeches; "the
        candidate stumped the Northeast"
     4: remove tree stumps from; "stump a field"

     n 1: the base part of a tree that remains standing after the tree
          has been felled [syn: {tree stump}]
     2: the part of a limb or tooth that remains after the rest is
     3: (cricket) any of three upright wooden posts that form the
     4: a platform raised above the surrounding level to give
        prominence to the person on it [syn: {dais}, {podium}, {pulpit},
         {rostrum}, {ambo}, {soapbox}]
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