

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Strong \Strong\, a. [Compar. {Stronger}; superl. {Strongest}.]
   [AS. strang, strong; akin to D. & G. streng strict, rigorous,
   OHG. strengi strong, brave, harsh, Icel. strangr strong,
   severe, Dan. streng, Sw. str["a]ng strict, severe. Cf.
   {Strength}, {Stretch}, {String}.]
   1. Having active physical power, or great physical power to
      act; having a power of exerting great bodily force;

            That our oxen may be strong to labor. --Ps. cxliv.

            Orses the strong to greater strength must yield.

   2. Having passive physical power; having ability to bear or
      endure; firm; hale; sound; robust; as, a strong
      constitution; strong health.

   3. Solid; tough; not easily broken or injured; able to
      withstand violence; able to sustain attacks; not easily
      subdued or taken; as, a strong beam; a strong rock; a
      strong fortress or town.

   4. Having great military or naval force; powerful; as, a
      strong army or fleet; a nation strong at sea.

   5. Having great wealth, means, or resources; as, a strong
      house, or company of merchants.

   6. Reaching a certain degree or limit in respect to strength
      or numbers; as, an army ten thousand strong.

   7. Moving with rapidity or force; violent; forcible;
      impetuous; as, a strong current of water or wind; the wind
      was strong from the northeast; a strong tide.

   8. Adapted to make a deep or effectual impression on the mind
      or imagination; striking or superior of the kind;
      powerful; forcible; cogent; as, a strong argument; strong
      reasons; strong evidence; a strong example; strong

   9. Ardent; eager; zealous; earnestly engaged; as, a strong
      partisan; a strong Whig or Tory.

            Her mother, ever strong against that match. --Shak.

   10. Having virtues of great efficacy; or, having a particular
       quality in a great degree; as, a strong powder or
       tincture; a strong decoction; strong tea or coffee.

   11. Full of spirit; containing a large proportion of alcohol;
       intoxicating; as, strong liquors.

   12. Affecting any sense powerfully; as, strong light, colors,
       etc.; a strong flavor of onions; a strong scent.

   13. Solid; nourishing; as, strong meat. --Heb. v. 12.

   14. Well established; firm; not easily overthrown or altered;
       as, a strong custom; a strong belief.

   15. Violent; vehement; earnest; ardent.

             He had offered up prayers and supplications with
             strong crying and tears.             --Heb. v. 7.

   16. Having great force, vigor, power, or the like, as the
       mind, intellect, or any faculty; as, a man of a strong
       mind, memory, judgment, or imagination.

             I was stronger in prophecy than in criticism.

   17. Vigorous; effective; forcible; powerful.

             Like her sweet voice is thy harmonious song, As
             high, as sweet, as easy, and as strong. --E. Smith.

   18. (Stock Exchange) Tending to higher prices; rising; as, a
       strong market.

   19. (Gram.)
       (a) Pertaining to, or designating, a verb which forms its
           preterit (imperfect) by a variation in the root
           vowel, and the past participle (usually) by the
           addition of -en (with or without a change of the root
           vowel); as in the verbs strive, strove, striven;
           break, broke, broken; drink, drank, drunk. Opposed to
           weak, or regular. See {Weak}.
       (b) Applied to forms in Anglo-Saxon, etc., which retain
           the old declensional endings. In the Teutonic
           languages the vowel stems have held the original
           endings most firmly, and are called strong; the stems
           in -n are called weak other constant stems conform,
           or are irregular. --F. A. March.

   {Strong conjugation} (Gram.), the conjugation of a strong
      verb; -- called also {old, or irregular, conjugation}, and
      distinguished from the {weak, or regular, conjugation}.

   Note: Strong is often used in the formation of
         self-explaining compounds; as, strong-backed,
         strong-based, strong-bodied, strong-colored,
         strong-fisted, strong-handed, strong-ribbed,
         strong-smelling, strong-voiced, etc.

   Syn: Vigorous; powerful; stout; solid; firm; hardy; muscular;
        forcible; cogent; valid. See {Robust}.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: having strength or power greater than average or expected;
            "a strong radio signal"; "strong medicine"; "a strong
            man" [ant: {weak}]
     2: used of syllables or musical beats [syn: {accented}, {heavy}]
     3: not faint or feeble; "a strong odor of burning rubber"
     4: having or wielding force or authority; "providing the ground
        soldier with increasingly potent weapons" [syn: {potent}]
     5: having a strong physiological or chemical effect; "a potent
        toxin"; "potent liquor"; "a potent cup of tea" [syn: {potent}]
        [ant: {impotent}]
     6: able to withstand attack; "an impregnable fortress";
        "fortifications that made the frontier inviolable" [syn: {impregnable},
         {inviolable}, {secure}, {unassailable}, {unattackable}]
     7: of good quality and condition; solidly built; "a solid
        foundation"; "several substantial timber buildings" [syn:
        {solid}, {substantial}]
     8: of verbs not having standard (or regular) inflection;
        "`sing' is a strong verb"
     9: having a high alcoholic content; "hard liquor" [syn: {hard}]
     10: freshly made or left; "a warm trail"; "the scent is warm"
         [syn: {warm}]
     11: strong and sure; "a firm grasp"; "gave a strong pull on the
         rope" [syn: {firm}]
     [also: {strongest}, {stronger}]
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