
string oriented symbolic language

資料來源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

String Oriented Symbolic Language
         (SNOBOL) A string processing language for text and
        formula manipulation written by David Farber, Ralph Griswold,
        and I. Polonsky of {Bell Labs} in 1962-3.
        SNOBOL had only simple {control structures} but provided a
        rich string-matching formalism of power comparable to {regular
        expressions} but implementated differently.  People used it
        for simple {natural language processing} analysis tasks well
        into the 1980s.  Since then, {Perl} has come into favour for
        such tasks.
        SNOBOL was originally called "SEXI" - String EXpression
        Interpreter.  In spite of the suggestive name, SNOBOL is not
        related to {COBOL}.
        Implementations include (in no particular order): {SNOBOL2},
        and {vanilla}.
        See also {EZ}, {Poplar}, {SIL} and {Icon}.
        ["SNOBOL, A String Manipulating Language", R. Griswold et al,
        J ACM 11(1):21, Jan 1964].
        [When and why was SEXI renamed?]
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