
storm center

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Storm \Storm\, n. [AS. storm; akin to D. storm, G. sturm, Icel.
   stormr; and perhaps to Gr. ? assault, onset, Skr. s? to flow,
   to hasten, or perhaps to L. sternere to strew, prostrate (cf.
   {Stratum}). [root]166.]
   1. A violent disturbance of the atmosphere, attended by wind,
      rain, snow, hail, or thunder and lightning; hence, often,
      a heavy fall of rain, snow, or hail, whether accompanied
      with wind or not.

            We hear this fearful tempest sing, Yet seek no
            shelter to avoid the storm.           --Shak.

   2. A violent agitation of human society; a civil, political,
      or domestic commotion; sedition, insurrection, or war;
      violent outbreak; clamor; tumult.

            I will stir up in England some black storm. --Shak.

            Her sister Began to scold and raise up such a storm.

   3. A heavy shower or fall, any adverse outburst of tumultuous
      force; violence.

            A brave man struggling in the storms of fate.

   4. (Mil.) A violent assault on a fortified place; a furious
      attempt of troops to enter and take a fortified place by
      scaling the walls, forcing the gates, or the like.

   Note: Storm is often used in the formation of self-explained
         compounds; as, storm-presaging, stormproof,
         storm-tossed, and the like.

   {Magnetic storm}. See under {Magnetic}.

   {Storm-and-stress period} [a translation of G. sturm und
      drang periode], a designation given to the literary
      agitation and revolutionary development in Germany under
      the lead of Goethe and Schiller in the latter part of the
      18th century.

   {Storm center} (Meteorol.), the center of the area covered by
      a storm, especially by a storm of large extent.

   {Storm door} (Arch.), an extra outside door to prevent the
      entrance of wind, cold, rain, etc.; -- usually removed in

資料來源 : WordNet®

storm center
     n 1: a center of trouble or disturbance [syn: {storm centre}]
     2: the central area or point of lowest barometric pressure
        within a storm
     3: the central area or place of lowest barometric pressure
        within a storm [syn: {storm centre}]
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