

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stony \Ston"y\, a. [Compar. {Stonier}; superl. {Stoniest}.] [AS.
   st[=a]nig. See {Stone}.]
   1. Of or pertaining to stone, consisting of, or abounding in,
      stone or stones; resembling stone; hard; as, a stony
      tower; a stony cave; stony ground; a stony crust.

   2. Converting into stone; petrifying; petrific.

            The stony dart of senseless cold.     --Spenser.

   3. Inflexible; cruel; unrelenting; pitiless; obdurate;
      perverse; cold; morally hard; appearing as if petrified;
      as, a stony heart; a stony gaze.

   {Stony coral}. (Zo["o]l.) Same as {Stone coral}, under

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: abounding in rocks or stones; "rocky fields"; "stony
            ground"; "bouldery beaches" [syn: {rocky}, {bouldery},
     2: showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings; "the
        child's misery would move even the most obdurate heart"
        [syn: {flinty}, {obdurate}]
     3: hard as granite; "a granitic fist" [syn: {granitic}, {granitelike},
     [also: {stoniest}, {stonier}]
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