

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stick \Stick\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stuck}(Obs. {Sticked}); p.
   pr. & vb. n. {Sticking}.] [OE. stikien, v.t. & i., combined
   with steken, whence E. stuck), AS. stician, v.t. & i., and
   (assumed) stecan, v.t.; akin to OFries. steka, OS. stekan,
   OHG. stehhan, G. stechen, and to Gr. ? to prick, Skr. tij to
   be sharp. Cf. {Distinguish}, {Etiquette}, {Extinct},
   {Instigate}, {Instinct}, {Prestige}, {Stake}, {Steak},
   {Stick}, n., {Stigma}, {Stimulate}, {Sting}, {Stitch} in
   sewing, {Style} for or in writing.]
   1. To penetrate with a pointed instrument; to pierce; to
      stab; hence, to kill by piercing; as, to stick a beast.

            And sticked him with bodkins anon.    --Chaucer.

            It was a shame . . . to stick him under the other
            gentleman's arm while he was redding the fray. --Sir
                                                  W. Scott.

   2. To cause to penetrate; to push, thrust, or drive, so as to
      pierce; as, to stick a needle into one's finger.

            Thou stickest a dagger in me.         --Shak.

   3. To fasten, attach, or cause to remain, by thrusting in;
      hence, also, to adorn or deck with things fastened on as
      by piercing; as, to stick a pin on the sleeve.

            My shroud of white, stuck all with yew. --Shak.

            The points of spears are stuck within the shield.

   4. To set; to fix in; as, to stick card teeth.

   5. To set with something pointed; as, to stick cards.

   6. To fix on a pointed instrument; to impale; as, to stick an
      apple on a fork.

   7. To attach by causing to adhere to the surface; as, to
      stick on a plaster; to stick a stamp on an envelope; also,
      to attach in any manner.

   8. (Print.) To compose; to set, or arrange, in a composing
      stick; as, to stick type. [Cant]

   9. (Joinery) To run or plane (moldings) in a machine, in
      contradistinction to working them by hand. Such moldings
      are said to be stuck.

   10. To cause to stick; to bring to a stand; to pose; to
       puzzle; as, to stick one with a hard problem. [Colloq.]

   11. To impose upon; to compel to pay; sometimes, to cheat.

   {To stick out}, to cause to project or protrude; to render

Sticking \Stick"ing\,
   a. & n. from {Stick}, v.

   {Sticking piece}, a piece of beef cut from the neck. [Eng.]

   {Sticking place}, the place where a thing sticks, or remains
      fast; sticking point.

            But screw your courage to the sticking place, And
            we'll not fail.                       --Shak.

   {Sticking plaster}, an adhesive plaster for closing wounds,
      and for similar uses.

   {Sticking point}. Same as {Sticking place}, above.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj : extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary; "the
           jutting limb of a tree"; "massive projected
           buttresses"; "his protruding ribs"; "a pile of boards
           sticking over the end of his truck" [syn: {jutting}, {projected},
            {projecting}, {protruding}, {sticking(p)}, {sticking
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