

資料來源 : pyDict

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Steelyard \Steel"yard\, n. [So named from a place in London
   called the Steelyard, which was a yard in which steel was
   A form of balance in which the body to be weighed is
   suspended from the shorter arm of a lever, which turns on a
   fulcrum, and a counterpoise is caused to slide upon the
   longer arm to produce equilibrium, its place upon this arm
   (which is notched or graduated) indicating the weight; a
   Roman balance; -- very commonly used also in the plural form,

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : a portable balance consisting of a pivoted bar with arms of
         unequal length [syn: {lever scale}, {beam scale}]
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