

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stator \Sta"tor\, n. (Mach.)
   A stationary part in or about which another part (the rotor)
   revolves, esp. when both are large; as,
   (a) (Elec.) The stationary member of an electrical machine,
       as of an induction motor.
   (b) (Steam Turbine) The case inclosing a turbine wheel; the
       body of stationary blades or nozzles.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : mechanical device consisting of the stationary part of a
         motor or generator in or around which the rotor revolves
         [syn: {stator coil}] [ant: {rotor}]
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