

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Starwort \Star"wort`\, n. (Bot.)
   (a) Any plant of the genus {Aster}. See {Aster}.
   (b) A small plant of the genus {Stellaria}, having
       star-shaped flowers; star flower; chickweed. --Gray.

   {Water starwort}, an aquatic plant ({Callitriche verna})
      having some resemblance to chickweed.

   {Yellow starwort}, a plant of the genus {Inula}; elecampane.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : low-growing north temperate herb having small white
         star-shaped flowers; named for its alleged ability to
         ease sharp pains in the side [syn: {stitchwort}, {greater
         stitchwort}, {Stellaria holostea}]
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